Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Color of Water By: James McBride Pg. 65

In page 65 the tittle of the chapter is Brothers and sister. He was the eight of twelve children which i think it must of been hard. I imagine how he had not that much of attention from his mom which i think it was sad. This chapter talks about  how he got his clothes, which were of course old, They were past from brother to brother and sister to sister. Which seems sad and depressing to me and I think most of the people who have read this book think the same.

The Color of Water By: James McBride Pg 45

On page 45 it talks about how James moms loves church and god. How every sunday she was the only white person at church.. Something that cought my mind was when he said, "butchering the lovely hymns with a singing voice that sounded like a cross between a cold engine trying to crank on an october morning and a whining Maytag washer".This is something that my grandmother does every sunday which is somethingfunny for me because she is so alike the character of James mom. She sings all the songs eventhouhgt she doesnt sing hard she tries her best.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Color of Water By: James McBride Pg. 21

In page 21 it talks about the race of james mother. He askes her were was she from, while she keeps avoiding him, saying "God made Me". This paragraph means something to me because my cousins who is only 5 years old. she is always asking mu uncle why he only looks like her mom and not him, Because her mom is White and her dad is Mexican. And my uncle always answers her"Because your mom is prettier than me". So this is why I choose this  paragraph because it connects to something in my life. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Color of water By: James McBride 02/18/11 pg.5-14

Page 5 was one of the things i like in the book. It talks about how their mother would ride her really old bike and how she like playing the piano. James who is also the author talks about how his parents life was and how his life was too. I like this part of the book because it describes how he was embarased by his mothers bike. In the book he said "But the bike drove me carzy. It was a huge old clunker, blue with white trim, with flat tires, huge fendesrs, and a battery-powered horn built into the middle of the frame with a buttom you pushed to make it blow". This to me shows me that he doesnt like his mother riding the bike which by the way is really old. The most interesting thing to me was when he talk about his mom not knowing what was going on around her. In pg 7" she would ride her bike across Murdock Avenue, the only whie person. black motorist gawked at the strange, middle- aged white lady riding her ancient bycycle". This to me seems really funny because she has no idea of what is going on around her eventhought she is the only one standing out.